


+852 6492 2239


Name/scientific name


Self-financed or subsidized by the Hospital Authority

Hospital Authority Drug Formulary


Constipation, burning of the esophagus, indigestion

body system



Emollients and barrier preparations

Drug introduction

Paraffin is a drug commonly used to treat constipation. It is a paraffin wax commonly used in liquid form for rectal enemas. Paraffin works by softening feces in the large intestine, thereby facilitating bowel movements. In Hong Kong, Paraffin can be purchased at pharmacies, but you should seek medical advice before use. When using Paraffin, be sure to follow your doctor or pharmacist's recommendations to avoid adverse reactions. Common side effects include diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. If serious adverse reactions occur, discontinue use immediately and seek medical assistance. Avoid long-term or excessive use of Paraffin as it may cause other problems. Overall, Paraffin is an effective treatment for constipation, but should be used under the guidance of a medical professional.


HOW TO USE: PARAFFIN is a soft laxative used to treat constipation, usually as an oral solution or ointment. Before taking, you should carefully read the instructions on the product label. It is recommended to take it before going to bed to facilitate bowel movements in the morning. Drink enough water while taking PARAFFIN to help soften stools and facilitate bowel movements. Avoid using it with calcium products as it may affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Dosing Guidelines: For adults, the recommended starting dose is 15 ml of PARAFFIN liquid taken orally daily. Depending on individual needs and response, dosage may be adjusted from 10 to 30 ml daily. For children, dosage should be based on age and physician advice, usually starting at 5 ml daily. Dosage adjustments in children should be done under the supervision of a medical professional.

Please remember that when using PARAFFIN, you should strictly follow the recommendations of your physician or pharmacist, and do not increase the dosage or extend the use time without authorization. If you have any discomfort or questions, you should consult a medical professional immediately.

side effect

Paraffin is a common laxative used to treat constipation. However, some side effects may occur when using Paraffin, including diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas, and dehydration. Long-term or excessive use of Paraffin may also cause nutrient malabsorption and electrolyte imbalances. If serious side effects occur such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea lasting more than a few days, stop use immediately and consult a doctor. When using Paraffin, you should follow your doctor's advice and ensure you are using the correct dosage to reduce the risk of side effects.

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When using white soft paraffin (Paraffin) with caution, the following contraindications should be noted:

1. Allergic reaction: People who are allergic to white soft paraffin or its ingredients should avoid using it, as it may cause skin redness, itching, burning or other allergic symptoms.

2. Intestinal obstruction: People with intestinal obstruction or other intestinal problems should not use white soft paraffin as it may aggravate intestinal problems or lead to more serious complications.

3. Young children and the elderly: For young children and the elderly, caution should be used when using white soft paraffin as it may have adverse effects on their intestinal function.

4. Pregnant and lactating women: Pregnant or lactating women should use white soft paraffin under the guidance of a physician to ensure safety.

In short, you should read the product instructions carefully before using white soft paraffin. If you have any questions or discomfort, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately. You can minimize the possible risks of using white soft paraffin by following the advice of your medical professional.


Precautions for use: Birch butter oil is for external use only. Do not eat or contact eyes. Please avoid use on wounds or damaged skin. If you experience any discomfort or allergic reaction, you should stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.

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  • Medication grading for pregnant women

    Use petrolatum with special caution during pregnancy. Petrolatum is a softening agent often used to treat constipation. During pregnancy, avoid long-term or excessive use of petrolatum to avoid adverse effects on the fetus. If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, you should ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice to ensure that petrolatum is safe to use. Additionally, if you are pregnant, you should prioritize diet and exercise to maintain a healthy digestive system to reduce the need for constipation.

    If you suspect you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, do not use petrolatum or any other medicine. Heed product warnings on labels and seek professional advice. If you have unknown symptoms or questions, consult your doctor immediately. Maintaining a healthy mother and child is the most important thing.

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