


+852 6492 2239


Name/scientific name


Self-financed or subsidized by the Hospital Authority

Hospital Authority Drug Formulary


Muscle relaxation, general anesthesia assistance, artificial ventilation assistance, myasthenia gravis surgical assistance

body system

Anesthesia Department


general anesthesia

Drug introduction

Cisatracurium Besylate is a muscle relaxant drug commonly used during surgery to help relax muscles, making intubation and surgery easier. It produces a muscle relaxing effect by blocking signal transmission between nerves and muscles, helping to maintain muscle relaxation during anesthesia. Cesatrionium is typically used in a medical setting by healthcare professionals, with dosage adjustments based on the patient's specific condition and surgical needs. When using cisatronium, health care professionals will closely monitor the patient's respiratory and muscle responses to ensure safe and effective use. Patients may experience some common side effects after using cesatrion, such as hypotension or allergic reactions. During treatment with cisatronium, patients need to closely cooperate with the monitoring and guidance of medical staff to ensure the safe use of the drug and the smooth progress of the surgery.


HOW TO USE: CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE is a muscle relaxant typically used in hospitals by healthcare professionals. The medication is given through an IV, usually under the supervision of a physician or nurse. Patients should remain lying flat while using this medication to avoid possible adverse reactions.

Dosage Guidelines: The dosage of CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE will be determined based on the patient's specific condition, including factors such as age, weight, and type of surgery. Generally speaking, the starting dose for adults is 0.1-0.2 mg/kg, and the dose can be adjusted as needed. The dose for children needs to be determined based on their weight and age. The starting dose is usually lower and adjusted according to the recommendation of the physician.

When using CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE, medical staff should strictly follow the doctor's instructions to give the dose and closely observe the patient's reaction. In any case, patients should follow their physician's advice and instructions to ensure safe and effective use of the medication.

side effect

CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE is a muscle relaxant used to assist in intubation and maintain anesthesia during surgery. Common side effects include muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, decreased blood pressure, and allergic reactions. Some patients may experience mild side effects such as headache, sore throat, nausea and vomiting. The patient's breathing and blood pressure should be closely monitored when using CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE and used under the guidance of a professional healthcare professional. If serious side effects or allergic reactions occur, seek medical attention immediately.

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CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE is a muscle relaxant used during anesthetic surgery, but is contraindicated in certain circumstances. Contraindications include hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis to CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE, which may result in severe anaphylactic shock. Additionally, patients with congenital myasthenia, myasthenia gravis, muscle disease, or neuromuscular conduction disorders should not use this medication because it may cause muscle weakness or difficulty breathing. At the same time, CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE should be used with caution in patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency, as this may increase the concentration of the drug in the body, leading to adverse reactions. Before performing surgery, doctors should evaluate the patient's medical history in detail to ensure that there are no contraindications and select the most appropriate treatment plan based on the patient's condition. If patients experience any abnormal symptoms, they should inform medical staff immediately to ensure safe and effective treatment.


Precautions for use: This medication is for use by healthcare professionals only and in an appropriate medical setting. Patients should be monitored regularly to ensure medication safety. The patient's vital signs should be closely observed during use and be prepared for possible allergic reactions or other adverse reactions at any time. When using this medication, health care professionals should have appropriate first aid equipment and skills to deal with possible serious reactions.

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  • Medication grading for pregnant women

    Do not use CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE during pregnancy as it is a muscle relaxant and may affect the fetus. If you plan to become pregnant or are pregnant, tell your doctor right away. Your doctor will assess the risk and adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

    During pregnancy, the use of drugs has certain risks to the fetus, and possible damage to the fetus should be avoided. Please follow your doctor's advice and do not change your medication regimen on your own. Try to avoid using CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE unless your doctor deems it necessary.

    If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your doctor immediately. Protecting your health and the health of your baby is the most important thing.

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