


+852 6492 2239

drug database

drug database

The following drug information is compiled by AI. The content may not be completely accurate and may contain errors. careEASY does not assume any responsibility for this. Please read with caution and always seek professional medical advice.

Gastroenterology drugs

Gastroenterology drugs

cardiology drugs

cardiology drugs

respiratory drugs

respiratory drugs

central nervous system drugs

central nervous system drugs



endocrine system drugs

endocrine system drugs

Gynecological and urological drugs

Gynecological and urological drugs

Cancer and immune system drugs

Cancer and immune system drugs

Nutritional supplements and hematology drugs

Nutritional supplements and hematology drugs

Musculoskeletal and joint medications

Musculoskeletal and joint medications

Ophthalmic drugs

Ophthalmic drugs

otolaryngology drugs

otolaryngology drugs

Dermatology Drugs

Musculoskeletal and joint medications

Immunization preparations and vaccines

Immunization preparations and vaccines

anesthesiology drugs

anesthesiology drugs

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