


+852 6492 2239

AI Smart Medical Staffing System (cSHSS)

Provide AI intelligent solutions for hospitals and other institutions to identify the most suitable candidates for temporary medical manpower in specific working environments (such as specialist wards), saving a lot of administrative costs and greatly improving the service quality of temporary medical manpower.

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cSHSS (Smart Hospital Staffing System)

Suitable for institutions

Public and private hospitals

Hospital wards need nurses with the right background for the ward, and finding suitable temporary medical staff is crucial for hospitals. Our system can automatically match temporary medical staff with suitable backgrounds based on the characteristics of the ward, such as medical or surgical.

Nursing home

Nursing homes need flexible medical staff, and our system can automatically analyze and match temporary medical staff with suitable backgrounds based on the working characteristics of nursing homes. Such an AI analysis manpower suitability system can ensure that temporary medical manpower can adapt to work in nursing homes

day service center

Our system can use artificial intelligence technology to automatically analyze and match temporary medical staff with suitable backgrounds based on center characteristics, such as caring for the elderly, day care, arranging social activities, etc.

cSHSS (Smart Hospital Staffing System)

Use AI systems to save significant medical operating costs

Save up to


Dealing with interim HR management costs

Save up to


Total temporary medical staffing costs

Traditional medical staffing agency Industry issues

In the healthcare system, temporary needs for staff often occur, such as sudden sick leave, accidents, or peak staffing loads around holidays.

These temporary needs often result inHospitals and other institutions rely on traditional medical staffing agencies, but when using traditional agencies to find suitable temporary medical staff, the administrative process is expensive and time-consuming.

cSHSS (Smart Hospital Staffing System)

Features of AI intelligent medical manpower system

AI medical staff matching

No longer needing to rely on manual scheduling and matching, our system will use artificial intelligence technology to find the most suitable candidates to serve as temporary medical staff in specific working environments (such as wards) from the medical staff database.

AI analyzes human hand suitability

In different medical environments, temporary personnel with different medical backgrounds are required to work. Our AI model provides personnel matching data based on up to 30 items of data, making the hospital's selection of temporary medical personnel more intuitive and accurate.

Intelligent scheduling system

Based on the hospital's demand forecast and analysis of existing human resources, intelligent algorithms and big data analysis are used to determine the human resources for temporary needs, and to maximize efficiency through flexible scheduling systems and estimated working hours.

instant messaging

Message directly to medical staff

QR code sign-in/punch-in

The system provides a QR code sign-in/punch function. Temporary medical staff only need to scan the corresponding QR code to complete the sign-in or clock-in operation.

View medical staff resumes

The resumes of temporary medical staff can be queried through the system, including work experience, academic qualifications, past medical evaluations, medical skills and other information.

Pricing Plan

Price and service comparison

Traditional medical intermediary

25-30% Administrative fees
  •    Up to 30% additional cost
  •    Need to sign a contract
  •    Traditional manpower roughly selects suitable medical manpower
  •    Temporary medical manpower: dispatched randomly, failing to meet the needs of the ward's working environment

careEASY AI Intelligent Medical Staffing System (cSHSS)

$0 Administrative fees
  •    Save up to 30% total manpower costs
  •     AI automatic matching is suitable for temporary medical staff
  •    AI learns by itself, and the more it understands the needs of the ward, the better
  •    No contract required for partner organizations
  •    Temporary medical manpower: meets the needs of ward working environment
  •    The Roster interface can be exported and printed
  •    Let multiple wards be used at the same time
  •    The user interface is simple and clear, and wards can use the system without investing additional resources.

The right temporary medical staff can make a huge difference Help full-time medical staff and ward operations
